Thursday, January 26, 2012

I am going to blog today!!!

I am going to post today.... I am going to post today.... I am going to post today.....
LOL! I think of this blog a lot and what I want to say I just never ever sit down and complete it.

Right now I am directing my kids to get ready for school and typing at the same time- not a good use of my time I might add.. dishes in sink laundry to be done, but I want to type type type. :)

I have no topic....
Birth dad....
Ok... I have not spoken to my birthdad in a long long time. I was upset with him for not telling his sons ya know going on 6 years now I think... So I sort of started being cold to him and I think he figures I am close with my uncle his brother and that is good.
Well Uncle called and said that my dad wants to meet up with me this summer and for me to meet his wife. This is a huge development as this wife did not want anything to do with me and for me to stay far far away from her children( ya know my half brothers). So I said sure tell him just to let me know well in advance and I will do my best. I don't think I will take the kids- unless my boyfriend goes with which may happen since we will have been together quite a while at that point. that way he could deal with the kids if I needed a break since it is quite emotional for me to be with him and I am sure meeting his wife will be stressful.

I have begun looking at my brothers on that I am in contact with 3 family members on facebook who he is friends with I wonder if I pop up on his people you may know and if he notices I look like his dad.? It is a big family so he may think I am related but prob not his dad's child I am sure.
Anyhow- that's all I have to say for today....
Anyone in contact with their bio dad? Siblings?
The boys are 16 and 19 now I think- I have told him once they are of age( both of them) I will most likely seek them out so i think that is why he is moving things forward. I am not trying to be pushy about it. I have waited 6 years.


Real Daughter said...

I have a great relationship with my Dad and the family members on that side of my family. I will say, though, that his new wife had an issue with me. It wasn't me, it was that she was afraid I would come in and stake some claim to his finances. I also think it was an issue she had in her own mind about my first Mother- like my Dad was going to hook up with her again.

He should have told your siblings about you from day one. Once they are legal adults, contact them yourself. Sure, he might be mad, but mostly at himself, because his other kids will be upset that he lied about you. Not. Your. Problem. No one should ever be ashamed of the truth.

I never got to say goodbye said...

Yes- at this meeting this summer I am going to make it very clear that once the youngest is 18 I wont be waiting any longer. Ya- I think she is just jealous another woman had her husbands baby- even tho it was before they got together.

Jeannette said...

Can I just say what the hell not old enough to meet you that is a bunch of crap. My younger children met their older sister that I surrendered when the younger kids were 11, 13, and 15. They met her the day she turned 18. Oh yeah and I now have all 4 of my kids living with me under the same roof.
Kids should know about their siblings, period, the end. It is the kids right to decide if they want to meet and what relationship they want with their siblings. Just like I choose how often I see my siblings (non-adopted, full blood siblings, that were raised together.)
Adoption brings on a new level of heartache for the kids, the one placed and the ones kept.

I never got to say goodbye said...

I agree. I think it is crazy. I would not have handled it that way if I was the parent and I make that very clear. These boys have led VERY sheltered lives... extremely. THey know nothing of our fathers past( the fact that he was in prison or was on drugs, or ya know ever had sex before marriage) Finding out about me they think they will shatter all they instilled in them...
Whatever. It is stupid. I am worried not how the boys will react to knowing about me but how they will react for being lied to for almost a decade. and it is a lie- even if by omission.