Monday, July 23, 2012

and this....

I am 50yrs, i adopted a 2yr old and regret it after a few months, I did not realize the work involved and patience and time consuming. She is almost 3yrs and i am so frustrated everyday cuz it is all about her. I have had to put my own son aside and my husband to take care of her. I dont love her as my own child, but love her cuz she has nobody i feel sorry for her. My life feels as if i am living it only for her as she is extremely demanding and with a similar personality of her bipolar mom whom is my niece. No other family member was able to step up so that cps wouldnt take her so family members pressured me to take her. Help!

this too....

I guess I am posting these because people tend to say that adoption is so great ....


Sunday Koffron Taylor said...

Well, you are doing a fine job of pissing me off! Urg! yeah, it ia alll about them, duh!

Foxxy One said...

Who are these vile people? Where are you seeing these terrible posts?

I never got to say goodbye said...

They are on a adoption blog... it's really awful isn't it...

I dont mean to ruin anyone's day...
Foxy I will link you to the blog it is on

I never got to say goodbye said...

it is on a website called the experience project.